Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By spacejunkie
#111 As I understand, ESP8266 does not have flash memory. The program is stored on the serial flash IC so flashing a new firmware does not involve ESP8266 at all. You just need to write firmware to a standard serial flash IC which is very easy. All you need is a FLASH programmer. Heck you can even cook up a flash programmer using your favorite micro controller. Let me know if I am missing something.
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By hackrid
#112 My rapsberry pi waits to dump the flash contents :D

the more challenging part will be to debug this thing! any hints on cheap debug hardware?
I'm thinking of using a stm32 discovery board as black magic probe...
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By gbit
#125 RC is a very old Xtensa product release. Latest is RF. The latest RF software can be used on these older cores. And in the latest software, all those _xtos_... functions are freely licensed, no need to rewrite.