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By andrew500w
#11181 Hi,

I am trying to do a remote control for wifi enabled photo cameras, these cameras can connect with android devices by means of the wifi direct protocol.

The question is: does the ESP8266 support the wifi direct protocol?

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By lethe
#11201 While wifi direct is advertised on the product page, it seems like it is not supported by the SDK. The ESP can act as an access point however, so as long as your camera can connect to an AP, it should still be possible to use the ESP as a remote.
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By andrew500w
lethe wrote:While wifi direct is advertised on the product page, it seems like it is not supported by the SDK. The ESP can act as an access point however, so as long as your camera can connect to an AP, it should still be possible to use the ESP as a remote.

Thanks lethe! I will try this way