Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By lethe
EspFan wrote:I saw this one pop up on AliExpress: Large-capacity flash-4M ESP8266 serial WIFI ESD-12
Is this true? Does the standard ESP-12 module include this much flash, or is this actually a new special module??

I ordered some of these, however they didn't arrive yet (I ordered almost 4 weeks ago), so I can't tell whether they have 4Mbit or 4Mbyte flash. The nodemcu dev-board allegedly is also using a 4Mbyte ESP-12. I figured even with 4Mbit, the price is still acceptable, so I was willing to take a chance...

EspFan wrote:Anyone else seen high capacity modules in the wild asside from the 2MB units from Omilex?

The ESP-09 modules have 1MB flash.
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By EspFan
alonewolfx2 wrote:module price is 3.95$ shipping 24$ :o

I'm guessing that is for overseas shipping, correct?

This seller is in the USA so it's only $2.95 shipping within the US.

At least if you order it, it will ship immediately rather than waiting an unknown duration from China.
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By lethe
#11195 My modules finally arrived today. I did order from the aliexpress seller linked in the first post back in january, so delivery took almost 6 weeks :/
The good news however is, that the modules indeed have 32Mbit (4MB) flash. " flash_id" identifies the manufacturer as 0xEF and the device as 0x4016 which according to ... ashchips.h makes the flash chip a Winbond W25Q32.
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By SpenZerX
#12459 Hello,

is there still only one Store at Aliexpress who sells this High Capacity Modules?

Any sources in Europe to get fast Samples?

Why nobody needs this extra capacity? (Cloud update = only 256K)