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By shantanu
#11282 Thanks EADF. I looked at tunapm's config module and noticed that he is saving the structure to flash. This looks ok approach to me (Just need to make sure that it is safe wrt interrupts etc). I can modify this according to my needs and present end user with serial port or webpage based configuration.
Thanks once again :)
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By bwhouse
#11419 I am currently working on some MQTT nodes using TaunPMs MQTT library and I am doing basically what EadF is suggesting by allowing the nodes to be configured over the air via MQTT messages.

Once the node boots up for the first time it loads a default config and subcribes to a bunch of default topics from there you can send MQTT messages to something like /home/wifi/99/setBasePath to change the MQTT path the unit uses or /home/wifi/99/setSleepMode to configure deep sleep and demon settings.

I have written about it here try and clean my code up and publish soon just need to incorporate GPIO configurations and AP mode if wifi network is not available.