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By tuanpm
#11451 Features
- Rock Solid wifi network client for Arduino (of course need to test more and resolve more issues :v)
- **More reliable** than AT COMMAND library (Personal comments)
- **Firmware applications written on ESP8266 can be read out completely. For security applications, sometimes you should use it as a Wifi client (network client) and other MCU with Readout protection.**
- MQTT module:
+ MQTT client run stable as Native MQTT client (esp_mqtt)
+ Support subscribing, publishing, authentication, will messages, keep alive pings and all 3 QoS levels (it should be a fully functional client).
+ **Support multiple connection (to multiple hosts).**
+ Support SSL
+ Easy to setup and use
- REST module:
+ Support method GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
+ setContent type, set header, set User Agent
+ Easy to used API
+ Support SSL
- WIFI module:

Github Repo:
Firmware for ESP8266:
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By EadF
#11459 That looks cool, thanks.

Any plans on making a python (or something) library so that we can mqtt-enable our Raspberrys and Beaglebones in the same way? (using the same esp8266 bridge firmware)

An esp-1 is still far cheaper than any usb-wifi-dongle, and it's not always practical to connect an ethernet cable.
Think of all the OpenCV-cat-door-twitter hacks you would facilitate :D
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By lethe
EadF wrote:An esp-1 is still far cheaper than any usb-wifi-dongle, and it's not always practical to connect an ethernet cable.
Think of all the OpenCV-cat-door-twitter hacks you would facilitate :D

Really? You can get USB wifi adapter from china for less than 3$ including shipping, that's about the same price as an ESP-01. Imho it's really not worth the effort to connect a ESP to anything that has USB and can handle wifi dongles out of the box.