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By 8266
#12210 By4refr0nt, first of all thank you for the really nice tool, I'm using it successfully on Windows, but have a problem to start it on MAC OSX Yosemite. ESPlorer starts, GUI is shows up, but it is not responsive, from the console I see that it stuck on "INFO: Scan system..." I'm using java 7u75, tried and the newest one 8u40, but still the same problem.
Any thoughts how to fix that?

Code: Select allMar 18, 2015 6:35:58 PM ESPlorer.ESPlorer log

INFO: Load saved settings: DONE.

Mar 18, 2015 6:35:58 PM ESPlorer.ESPlorer log

INFO: Snippets (LUA): loading...

Mar 18, 2015 6:35:58 PM ESPlorer.ESPlorer log

INFO: Snippets (LUA) load: Success.

Mar 18, 2015 6:35:59 PM ESPlorer.ESPlorer log

INFO: Scan system...
User avatar
By 4refr0nt
8266 wrote:
Code: Select allINFO: Scan system...

May be, this is jSSC library bug. Try check you permission for reading serial port list. In new version v0.2 of ESPlorer (in devepment now) scan system for serial port process can be disabled by user (new option "Use custom serial port name")
Please, waiting some time for new version released.
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By 4refr0nt
#12481 Image
New version released
ChangeLog for version 0.2.0-rc1
    - add new cool ESP FileManager (screenshoots at bottom in this post) Commands in popup menu: Run, Compile(New!), View(old Cat), Edit(New!), Download(New!), Rename(New!), Remove (available commands depended file extension)
    - add "Upload file to ESP from disk" function (include binaries files) in left bottom panel
    - add "Download file from ESP to disk" function (include binaries files) in file manager
    - ESP files list ABC-autosorted
    - add new button FileSystemInfo (new command file.fsinfo() since firmware 20150311 and later)
    - add firmware autodetection after serial port open
    - add check communication with MCU after serial port open or "change speed on the fly"
    - change default window size to 1024x768 and new UI conception
    - change: in all buttons/command "Run" against "Do", "View" against "Cat"
    - expanded field for serial port name
    - add "CustomSerialPort" on "Settings" tab (if enable this, PortScan never execute)
    - add DTR and RTS buttons with LED
    - add CTS LED
    - add new "Links" menu
    - add NodeMCU specific right panel (Heap button, Chip Info button, Chip ID button, Flash ID button)
    - add toolbar Show/Hide command in "View" menu
    - inc size of toolbar buttons
    - add Snippets panel Show/Hide command in "View" menu
    - add FileManager panel Show/Hide command in "View" menu
    - add Right extra buttons panel Show/Hide command in "View" menu
    - add "Use external editor" option on "Settings" tab. All files ReadOnly
    - add "EOL" option - EOL visible in terminal window
    - add new mode for snippets: Condensed executing (please, do not use this mode if you use commands without left operand: "=node.heap()", but "x=node.heap" work ok)
    - fix AutoComplete (Ctrl+Space) bug for commands contains "."
    - fix "AutoSave/AutoRestore setting enable/disable log window" bug
    - fix bug: exit app without save files
    - disable setting "AutoRun file after Save to ESP" (for do this - you can use new button "Save & Run" in 2.0.0-final version)
    - all settings autosave when changed and autorestored after app launch
    - window size autosave on close and autorestored after app launch
    - editor: tab size changed from 5 to 4
    - library rsyntaxtextarea updated to version 2.5.6
    - some code refactoring
    - improve stability
    - now versioning conception (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)
    - tested on NodeMCU 0.9.5_20150318

TEST:File download
Baud rate:921600 Size:10k Time elapsed: 2080 ms
Baud rate:921600 Size:20k Time elapsed: 2811 ms
Baud rate:115200 Size:10k Time elapsed: 2841 ms
Baud rate:115200 Size:20k Time elapsed: 4261 ms
Baud rate:9600 Size:10k Time elapsed: 14 sec
Baud rate:9600 Size:20k Time elapsed: 25 sec

TEST:File upload
Baud rate:921600 Size:10k Time elapsed: 4565 ms
Baud rate:921600 Size:20k Time elapsed: 8591 ms
Baud rate:115200 Size:10k Time elapsed: 4550 ms
Baud rate:115200 Size:20k Time elapsed: 9158 ms
Baud rate:9600 Size:10k Time elapsed: 15 sec
Baud rate:9600 Size:20k Time elapsed: 29 sec

TODO for v0.2.0
    - add AT commands v0.22 support
    - add SaveAs... command in "File" menu
    - add popup menu with "Copy" and "Paste" functions in command field
    - add Left extra buttons panel Show/Hide command in "View" menu with buttons:
    * add "Save & Run" button
    * add "Save & Compile" button
    * add "Save & Compile & RunLC" button
    * add "Send as init.lua" button
    * add "Compile & Do LC" button

ESPlorer FileManager