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By wakenils
#12557 I've been using this app for a little bit and it does a great job! Good work!

Tested the update and noticed that the 'Reset' button doesn't seem to work anymore

Writing it manually works
Code: Select all=node.restart()

Here esp-01 boots and then I press the Reset-button
Code: Select all> ��Bs�� G9�A�N9��RH   ��H�
NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150318  powered by Lua 5.1.4
-- Starting up!
Configuring WIFI....
Waiting for connection
> Checking WIFI...0
Checking WIFI...1
Soft restart by user command
stdin:1: '=' expected near '�'
> Checking WIFI...2
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By 4refr0nt
wakenils wrote:I've been using this app for a little bit and it does a great job! Good work!
Tested the update and noticed that the 'Reset' button doesn't seem to work anymore

This is "Release Condidate 1" version and bugs may be founds. Thank you for response!
Please, tell me detailed condition (may be you can send me .log file fragment), any try again on 9600 baud without init.lua