Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By alon24
#12652 I did not , but flashonefile works ok, and it is also I think 256000

"c:/Espressif/utils/esptool-ck.exe -cp COM2 -cd ck -cb 256000"

i am thinking that its not the flashing that is not working out, but resets and such, but I do not know how to judge, debug this

I will try 115200 at home
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#12666 A new version of my build Espressif DevKit for Windows v2.0.0
The list of changes to the first page

Update procedure:
1. Remove the old version.
2. Install the new version DevKit.
ATTENTION!!! When you delete the old version will be removed entire directory C:\Espressif
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mariuszb wrote:BMP180 example:
In file i2c_bmp180.c should such a two change (in bold):


i2c_init(); // ----------------- should be added here
char temp[80]; //80 bytes buffer is too small for this prints -----------, eg. use 128 bytes

mariuszb you checked i2c_bmp180 example in dealing with real sensor? Can you give an example of a working i2c_bmp180?