Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By ardhuru
#12750 Fantastic update, thank you very much!

I see a lsited feature that loads a file from the module into the editor windows, but cant seem to find it. I also see 2 buttons "View on ESP". Are they the ones to be used for this? They dont seem to do anything at all?

Absolutely love this IDE, thanks again!
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By 4refr0nt
ardhuru wrote:Fantastic update, thank you very much!

I see a lsited feature that loads a file from the module into the editor windows, but cant seem to find it. I also see 2 buttons "View on ESP". Are they the ones to be used for this? They dont seem to do anything at all?

Absolutely love this IDE, thanks again!

Thanks for response!

Use new file manager for this. Refresh file list (use button Reload) then RightMouseClick on any LUA (not LC) file button in file manager panel and select "Edit file.lua" menu item with "pencil" icon. Thats all.
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By Pigs Fly
#12955 This is a really nice improvement. After several projects now I see no significant bugs and the new features are handy.

It was at one point bugging me about a lua interpreter error when uploading even though the code was fine. I just ignored it and at some point changed a line and it went away. The weird thing is it was a commented out line it was bugging me about.

I can see a lot of functionality in the GUI design which probably works great on a normal monitor. I'm using this on a laptop with 1280x800 resolution and the 800 is tight. I had to move my task bar to the left of my screen to get ESPlorer to fit properly, and it JUST fits well enough.

That made me realize that the ESPlorer screen does have a lot spacing between things that could make it more compact.

I like to have my code editor using about 2/3 width with terminal window at 1/3. Doing this pushes the new (and very useful) buttons on the right of the terminal window off the screen. Not sure how to fix that if it's even possible, just noting.