Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By alon24
#13101 I want to connect my ch340g ftdi so I can use automatic reset when flashing. (like in the picture in the first post)

The issue is that i do not have the RTS exposed Just CTS, and so cannot

This is my ftdi:
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shi ... 92918.html

Can i do something about this? or should I try to locate the RTS on the CH340G chip and solder a cable on it?
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By ian@eagland.co.uk
#13113 Hi

This is all new to me. Fortunately my background included writing scripts for PLC's so the programming I can follow. However the IDE is a bit of a mystery at the moment.

Could someone explain the steps to create the programme for the ESP8266 and then upload it to the ESP. What do you use to upload?

