Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By LonganLab
#13166 Here is the prototype version:



How it work:

Code: Select allPC <---(USB)---> ft232 <---(via jumper)---> Atmege328
                      | ( via jumper)
               ESP8266 Module

Atmega328 <---(Uart) --> ESP8266 Module

Any advise about this board?
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By uhrheber
#13173 Leave the ATmega out. Use a port extender for the ESP8266 instead.
I use AD5593RBRUZ.
Having two chips on the board, that both have to be programmed and have to communicate with each other will overwhelm beginners.
Using just the ESP (with the Arduino IDE) and having a port extender, that is supported transparently by the wiring lib, will be much easier.