Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By olebowle
#12986 Thanks for the nice IDE. I packaged it for Archlinux:

1. What is the license of ESPlorer? Could you please at a note on github to make it clear.
2. I need to submit a referer in order to download ESPlorer latest. Is this intentional?
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By 4refr0nt
olebowle wrote:Thanks for the nice IDE. I packaged it for Archlinux:
Good news! Thanks!
But I down't know how to design and edit NetBeans ESPlorer.form under linux enviroment
If you know, please make pull request for changing README file on github
olebowle wrote:1. What is the license of ESPlorer? Could you please at a note on github to make it clear.

Please, give me some time for thinking... (choice one of GPL-based)
olebowle wrote:2. I need to submit a referer in order to download ESPlorer latest. Is this intentional?

You can't use absolute link "" for downloading ESPlorer latest. You must visit page (with some non-aggresive advert) and click link "Download ESPlorer latest" from this page for downloading. Sorry for this :(
User avatar
By olebowle
4refr0nt wrote:If you know, please make pull request for changing README file on github

No idea. Using works just fine with Archlinux.
4refr0nt wrote:You can't use absolute link "" for downloading ESPlorer latest. You must visit page (with some non-aggresive advert) and click link "Download ESPlorer latest" from this page for downloading. Sorry for this :(

Not a big deal. I just wanted to mention it. ;)