Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By markbee
Ovaltineo wrote:I've tried HelloServer and it works, but connection with a browser is hit and miss.
I've tried WifiClient and WifiWebServer - both will cause the ESP to crash.

I only have reboots, when requesting the ESP-ADC with many, quick requests after another. Else it is working fine (for now and only some days).
In the past I had also connectivity problems when requesting a lua based website when I use WiFi and not the normal LAN to access the ESP-module.

Ovaltineo wrote:Bugs in the early days, as expected. I am very impressed with this project.

Great work. Will integrate this into a workshop in two weeks and redesign my breadboard adapter to have Arduino style auto reset.
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By Ovaltineo
#13304 Found a bug in the bootloader feature. Unlike the program uploader, it doesn't use esp01.upload.resetmethod from boards.txt when calling esptool, hence autoreset doesn't work.

Also, why is the bootloader burning 1.0.0 version of the SDK? The included libraries are only v0.9.5. This might explain why the sample programs are unstable or don't work.