Absolutely awesome to see an Arduino UI for the ESP8266!
Ran in to some issues.
I'm running ubuntu and have installed both the prebuilt linux version - and also built from scratch. At first I could not compile, but that was solved by moving the esp SDK into the directory that the compiler was looking for. Now compile works fine. But it won't write the ESP8266. I think the call it's making to esptool is not working.
From the terminal window I can see that it's calling this command line:
/home/pat/arduinoesp8266/Arduino/build/linux/work/hardware/tools/esp8266/esptool -vv -cd none -cb 115200 -cp /dev/ttyUSB0 -ca 0x00000 -cf /tmp/build8404552834300051463.tmp/sketch_mar29a.cpp_00000.bin -ca 0x40000 -cf /tmp/build8404552834300051463.tmp/sketch_mar29a.cpp_40000.bin
However I can't get that command to work under linux. If I call it directly from another window I get this:
pat@TheJBox:~/arduinoesp8266/Arduino$ /home/pat/arduinoesp8266/Arduino/build/linux/work/hardware/tools/esp8266/esptool -vv -cd none -cb 115200 -cp /dev/ttyUSB0 -ca 0x00000 -cf /tmp/build8404552834300051463.tmp/sketch_mar29a.cpp_00000.bin -ca 0x40000 -cf /tmp/build8404552834300051463.tmp/sketch_mar29a.cpp_40000.bin
Info: esptool v0.0.2 - (c) 2014 Ch. Klippel <ck@atelier-klippel.de>
Info: This program is licensed under the GPL v2
Info: See the file LICENSE for details
ie nothing - which is what I get from the Arduino UI - nothing.
On my linux box I have previosuly been using the SDK and the following command does work:
sudo /opt/Espressif/esptool-py/esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x00000 firmware/0x00000.bin 0x40000 firmware/0x40000.bin
Have I got the wrong esptool installed?