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By 4refr0nt
Pigs Fly wrote:Bug? Tried to Save As.. a file in the editor but it did nothing at all. I expected a file dialog to pop up but that never happened. The file in the editor had been freshly opened from the local filesystem.

in v0.2.0-rc1 not implemented yet

4refr0nt wrote:TODO for v0.2.0
- add SaveAs... command in "File" menu
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By timoline
#13420 Many, many thx for this wonderful app.

I have some suggestions:
-drag and drop support, so you can drop lua files in esplorer and viseversa
-compile&save as... , so you can locally create *.lc files
-button upload, multiple files support

thats it for now ,
keep up the good work!
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By Stevenelson
#13461 Thank you for putting so much effort into ESPlorer. It's great!

I am able to upload files with the "Save to ESP" button. But it only works if I connect to the board with a baud rate of 9600. I've tried "turbo mode" but it just times out.

I'm using one of the esp-12 boards.

Any suggestions?