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By elac
#12050 Thanks Vitoa for the link. :) Going to try the integer version today.
@alon24 this is Travis-CI.
2 versions one with float enabled, and the other with float disabled only using integers.
Floating point uses more memory, not allowing code that worked on firmware builds without float enabled to load on float enabled firmware without memory issues.
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By Mikey
#13550 So the floats missing might be the cause of my current problem? ... -readvdd33

Here it says it will output 3.315, but instead it just outputs 3, where node.readvdd33() does return 3315

Code: Select all-- Convert mV to V.
    v = node.readvdd33() / 1000
-- Output
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By blownupp
#25087 That appears to be the reason, yes.

How big of a difference in performance are we looking at between the float and integer firmware versions? I'm not planning on doing anything complicated, but if there's a drastic change I may stick with integer.

I'm going to control some ws2812 and a couple weather related sensors, so as long as there is still accurate timing, I can use float.

Does anyone have any input?