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By CheapB
#13595 I have been looking for a cheap project case and power supply. and I found this on ebay:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/231412173116?_t ... EBIDX%3AIT

it is origianlly supposed to be for a rechargeable battery pack, but is shipped without the batteries.

I have tested the voltage and it comes out at a little over 4v. Is that safe for an ESP-01?

if 4v is a a litthe to rich - what is th ebest way to shave 0.7v of?
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By Mikejstb
#13600 those look really good - I ordered a couple too.
I have a bunch of ESP's running directly from 3.7v lipo batteries and have had no problems at all.
your mileage may vary of course...
If you are concerned about it you can drop .7 v by passing your power through a diode, like a 1N4001.
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By huelvayork
#13602 That seems a great idea. You can insert only one battery and use the other battery's place for your components.
I'm powering an ESP-01 from a power bank like this (but the one with only one battery), with battery inserted. It reaches 4.2v while charging the battery and the ESP01 is still alive.
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By CheapB
huelvayork wrote:That seems a great idea. You can insert only one battery and use the other battery's place for your components.
I'm powering an ESP-01 from a power bank like this (but the one with only one battery), with battery inserted. It reaches 4.2v while charging the battery and the ESP01 is still alive.

If all you need is an ESP-01 there is room for that AND 2 batteries. there is a small compartment separate from the charger and the batteries that will nicely hold an ESP-01.

I am doing a project where I need a RS232 <> TLL converter + an ESP-01 and buttons for reset and to pull GPIO0 low for reflash, so I may be skipping batteries all together for that one.