Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By AcmeUK
#14128 Hi Bygerardwr
I use the Mac download of the Arduino environment from here:

Interesting! It does not work in either V1.6.2 or V1.63 downloaded from the official Arduino site; but works fine in V1.6.1 downloaded from github.

I am using Win7 64 bit.

Thanks for your reply.
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By gerardwr
AcmeUK wrote: It does not work in either V1.6.2 or V1.63 downloaded from the official Arduino site; but works fine in V1.6.1 downloaded from github.

I am using Win7 64 bit.

On my Mac 10.10.2 :
- works OK with the github download
- works OK with 1.6.3 from the official Arduino site + ESP specifics
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By biobier
#14554 Tryed to get VDD system_get_vdd33() but fails.
Anyone has an idea why this gives compile error "error: 'system_get_vdd33' was not declared in this scope"?
Code: Select allextern "C" {
#include "user_interface.h"
void setup(){
void loop(){
  Serial.print("[SDK direct] VDD33 : "); Serial.println(system_get_vdd33());