wififofum wrote:It is playful language, not spiteful.
But I see how you praise all the other open source projects on this forum and are using them so I was just curious if you will post your source.
I have not written any code yet, but I would like to see how you use certain functions. Like AES functions from the on chip ROM? Videos of this are silly to me. I want to read the code even if I never use it.
So I request you to post it if you want.
No problem,
i have read this last time - think will be a fine doing in this
here are examples :
loop AES
others: ( arduino ect )
procedure is simple:
one time the ESP8266 will be update to higher firmware,
so it must go to a newer firmware.
in this ( like the cloud sdk )
the ESP8266 will be identify by the cip id
1、 offer an API to get chip id. During downloading, will read chip id first , then write the chip id to flash. In program check whether the chip id and the record in flash are the same or not , if not , while(1)
the second way is the identify by a developer it self.. so :
2、 will give a developer an unique id which is in the chip,in program can read the unique id from the chip,if it is the developer id , the process goes on, if not,while(1)
the bootcode at spi is AES 256 encoded, you can copy , it, but not decrypt
you can install it at other esp8266 but will not start
best wishes
so let me know what you will know that you understand well.