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By OG Style
#14533 I have tried program/communicate with it using usb to serial cable, Arduino Uno, direct serial and even diffrent computers. When I send command to it I get junk text back. When I try to program LUA on it I get nothing. I can see it in my wifi list. I have tried different tutorials and still had no luck. I am using a 3.3v 800ma regulator to power it and my computers are windows 7. I have tried different speed. When I power it on using CoolTerm it just sends weird text.

Can someone please help me figure this out?

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By AcmeUK
When I power it on using CoolTerm it just sends weird text.

That is because when it boots the baudrate is 74880 until you change it in your sketch. I prefer to run at 74880 so that I can see the boot time messages.

You can get CoolTerm to run at 74880 . You can add non-standard baud rates by using a simple baudrates.ini file, see here :-
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By gerardwr
AcmeUK wrote:

You can get CoolTerm to run at 74880 . You can add non-standard baud rates by using a simple baudrates.ini file, see here :-

Excellent tip! I was under the impression that Coolterm for Mac did not not allow awkward baudrates like 74880, but your referenced links say it does.

I tried it, added a text file "baudrates.ini" in the directory of the Coolterm application with only "74880", and the new baudrate is added to the picklist of "normal" baudrates. Now the boot text of the ESP is readable.
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By OG Style
#14632 I just tried that with my Arduino and it still replies garbage text. It doesn't say ready when I power it up. Can't it be setup us using the tx and rx from the serial port built into my desktop computer and an external power supply? Is there a good tutorial?
