I've got an ESP8266 running v0.95 from here: http://www.electrodragon.com/w/Wi07c#Latest_firmware.
I've got it wired to an AT Tiny841 and I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with carriage returns. Everything works as expected until I initiate a AT+CIPSEND. Essentially the ESP8266 drops carriage returns and only passes through line feeds to the web server at the other end. A side effect is that the AT+CIPSEND stalls waiting because it thinks it's one character short. If you send some random data on the end it forces the AT+CIPSEND to complete and send the string to the webserver.
Take the following string:
GET /cgi-bin/log_elec_value.pl?elecval=4276 HTTP/1.0\r\n
When I run wireshark on the web server the "\r" has been dropped.
The obvious reason is that I've got something doing \r conversion in my code, which I've not. I've also confirmed that the string ( which is in flash ) is intact and the \r is in there.
Has anyone come across this before?