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By BitBanger
#14970 Wow, that was fast. Thanks! It will prabably take me a while to get them incorporated in my application. I'm initially just trying to understand how the MESH works before I begin the task of modifying my system.

I've got the new software loaded and verified the AT+PINGROOT command works. Thanks for adding the AT+DEBUGPRINT command. That will make it nice to suppress the messages and only turn them on when needed for troubleshooting.

My three node MESH is up and running. You had cautioned before to use the AT+PINGROOT command to communicate from a child node to the ROOT. Should I be using the AT+CIPSEND command to communicate from the ROOT to its child or from a Parent to its child?

Thanks for sharing this incredible work. I look forward to continue helping to ring it out.

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By marcus
chandan2002x wrote:Thanks BB.
AT+PINGROOT=YOUR DATA works fine now.
AT+DEBUGPRINT=0, AT+DEBUGPRINT=1 added for some debug info.
Data length increased to 150.

great work !!

hope can see and learn from your source .. :D
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By Alex P
#16894 This looks very interesting. Any updates on this?

I am trying to do something similar as part of my master thesis, so I am very interested how it goes for you and if you encounter any dead ends. If you have any tips that could have been useful to you in early stages, I would be grateful.