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By Ben Baron
#15070 I am able to successfully flash my ESP-12 using my FTDI cable, and the software that I flash runs automatically after flashing and works correctly.

However, as soon as I unplug my FTDI cable, communication with the ESP module stops working (I'm running a web server on it, and it stops responding to requests). Then if I switch GPIO0 to high and turn power back on, the board never boots.

Is there something else I need to do to get the board running after I flash it? Do any other pins need to change their connections?

Currently I have CH_PD and GPIO2 pulled high; and GPIO15 pulled low all the time. Then I pull GPIO0 low when flashing, and try pulling it high to run, but it doesn't work.
Last edited by Ben Baron on Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.