Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By cswiger
#14991 Tested various values of 'count' for my dht22 (RHT03 it's marked) - and found it works from 12 to 27 - so 20 is a good middle value.
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By mikewen
#15141 Do you guys feel dhl11 is not accurate ?

I'v been running both si7021 and dht11 for 4 months now, si7021 is much more accurate.
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By Strex
#33514 Hi there, thanks for the code, I've been looking for something like this for a long time, works great.

I'm still new to programming, and the arduino IDE, but I was wondering if it would be easy to break out the Temp and Humidity to separate MQTT topics? Say, office/temp & office/humidity.

Thanks in advance!
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By picstart
#33546 I agree this code was very useful and it works out of the box.
You can publish to office/temp & office/humidity separately in your DHT sensor reading code. The receiver would subscribe to the broker using office or # to see both temp and humidity. Now the sender to the broker and the receiver from the broker don't always have the same notational schemes for numbers...same eg float representation..it is often best to convert to ascii char representation of numbers