Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By 4refr0nt
LEDAero wrote:Any ideas?

ESPlorer - very smart IDE, and you can use all scripts AS IS (without file open/close and [[]] construction)
For example: File - New, then type:
Code: Select allprint(“WIFI control”)
print(“ESP8266 mode is: ” .. wifi.getmode())

File - Save - init.lua, Save To ESP - all done!

P.S. You can't use "Dumb Mode" for scripts contains "[" and "]" symbols. If you really need it:
Go to Settings tab, then uncheck "DumbMode" and check "Turbo Mode"
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By TerryE
4refr0nt wrote:P.S. You can't use "Dumb Mode" for scripts contains "[" and "]" symbols. If you really need it:
Go to Settings tab, then uncheck "DumbMode" and check "Turbo Mode"

Thanks for this. Good to know. I use the extended string syntax quite a lot, but I'd ticked turbo mode anyway, so hadn't come across this .
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By LEDAero
4refr0nt wrote:
LEDAero wrote:Any ideas?

ESPlorer - very smart IDE, and you can use all scripts AS IS (without file open/close and [[]] construction)
For example: File - New, then type:
Code: Select allprint(“WIFI control”)
print(“ESP8266 mode is: ” .. wifi.getmode())

File - Save - init.lua, Save To ESP - all done!

P.S. You can't use "Dumb Mode" for scripts contains "[" and "]" symbols. If you really need it:
Go to Settings tab, then uncheck "DumbMode" and check "Turbo Mode"

Thanks - I just finished working out what I did wrong :)

And it was exactly as you said... too much thinking, but in the wrong direction.
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By JustGreg
#15283 First a big thank you for making this available. It is a good tool for using the ESP8266. I have used it with ESP8266-01 and ESP12 boards. Esplorer really beats using PUTTY or microcom terminals.

I do have a display problem. I am using FatDog64 version 700 Linux, Java RE 8.25 with Esplorer 0.2.0rc1. My display is 1366 by 768 in size. Esplorer is always set with a vertical size of 768. This results in the lower buttons being cut off.

I did find the prefs.xml file, which has the window settings for position and size. The prefs.xml file is in a hidden directory, .java. I have tried setting the win_h vale to less than 768. But, on startup of Esplorer, a value of 768 is used. I do have a work around for the problem. I set the win_y value to a negative value to raise the Esplorer window. I can use it then.

Any suggestions on how I can reduce the vertical size of Esplorer to less than 768. Thank you in advance for any help on this problem.

Enjoy life, JustGreg
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much