The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By wwpants
tve wrote:After a long wild goose chase (troubleshooting this thing is not trivial...) I've come to realize that the uart is not the cause of my long latency. What I'm seeing is that after calling espsentbuffer it takes ~400ms-500ms before the sent callback is invoked even though the other end sends an ACK in under a millisecond. I do not believe that the problem is in the wireless itself 'cause other round trips work great. Basically what kills performance is:
server send packet to esp
esp reponds with 1st packet
esp responds with 2nd packet
What I observe is that the first response packet arrives at the server within 20-30ms, but then my esp app waits for the sent callback ~400-500ms and only then can send the 2nd packet. Has anyone observed anything similar?

tve were you able to resolve this issue? I am trying to understand if a TCP2UART bridge would work for my use case but I am worried about the latency based on what you have observed so wondering if you were able to find a fix for it?
