I'm having problems configuring a stable SoftAP. Devices are refusing to connect, and then the following comes into the logs:
pm close 0 0 0/61135954
station: 28:cf:e9:1a:xx:xx join, AID = 1
station: 28:cf:e9:1a:xx:xx leave, AID = 1
rm match
pm close 0 0 0/63758647
add 1
aid 1
pm close 0 0 0/71542409
station: 28:cf:e9:1a:xx:xx join, AID = 1
station: 28:cf:e9:1a:xx:xx leave, AID = 1
rm match
pm close 0 0 0/73763701
I'm configuring it like this:
struct softap_config SAP_Config;
int id = system_get_chip_id();
os_sprintf(SAP_Config.ssid, "SmartPlug-%d", id);
os_memcpy(&SAP_Config.password, "smartplug", 32);
SAP_Config.ssid_hidden = 0;
SAP_Config.channel = 1;
SAP_Config.authmode = AUTH_WPA2_PSK;
SAP_Config.ssid_len = 0;
Sometimes it does work, but its intermittent.