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By projectgus
#16687 Direct FCC link:

The regulatory aspects seem pretty similar to ESP-12 (ESP-12 FCC docs are here). Both modules have test reports filed and authorization granted, but neither of the module markings display the exact FCC ID that was handed out so they may not exactly meet FCC Modular requirements.

Although I guess having the module & tests direct from the SoC manufacturer this time not a third party vendor is probably a plus if you're trying to show legitimacy.

The good news for people in some non-US jurisdictions (like me!) is that FCC IDs may be meaningless outside the US, but having official/accepted test reports for the module can still be useful.

PS Is there actually an official Espressif taobao store or is it just resellers?

EDIT: One thing I like about these compared to ESP-12 is they're significantly smaller - 11.5x11.5mm is nice!
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By ArnieO
projectgus wrote: One thing I like about these compared to ESP-12 is they're significantly smaller - 11.5x11.5mm is nice!

No, that is an error. The size is 18 x 20 mm - ref page 7 of the Espressif document that is linked in a previous posting above here.