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By CptanPanic
#16711 I am investigating using the esp8266 for a audio related task, where it would read in a input from microphone. Ideally I would read in at 40khz, but using at analogRead() what is the default rate using arduino IDE? How can I speed this up?
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By ulumu
#16854 I think you will be much better off with an external chip, like this one: ... MSGEQ7.pdf

Its a 7 band Graphical EQ chip, feed your mic data to this chip, and use ESP to read output from the ADC pin. U can get a MSGEQ7 chip for around $1.50 in Ebay.
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By CptanPanic
#16923 So I asked the @espressifSystem on twitter, and unfortunately they said that it is limited to 200Hz which is way too slow. So alternatives would have to be either a separate ADC chip, that graphic equalizer chip, or a AVR. It sucks because something like the MSGEQ7, cost almost double what the entire ESP board costs.