Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By Ralphxyz
#16737 I just downloaded the "newest" version it does not look like the demo's I have seen:


Save&Run does do anything

How do I run scripts?
Now it is just hung up no response to any button clicks:


Communication with MCU..

If I Ctrl\C on the command line

I am asked "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
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By Ralphxyz
#16738 I just downloaded the "newest" version it does not look like the demo's I have seen:


Save&Run does not do anything

How do I run scripts?
Now it is just hung up no response to any button clicks:


Communication with MCU..

If I Ctrl\C on the command line

I am asked "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
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By 4refr0nt
keen4 wrote:Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received.
I need more information to fix this , maybe right link ? any1 knows ?

In v0.2.0-rc1 and later ESPlorer have new feature: firmware autodetection. Its algo based on answer from firmware when CR+LF send from terminal. NodeMCU answer, for example, is "CR+LF+>". In v0.2.0-rc2 you can disable this autodetection on "Settings" tab (it may be usefull for unsupported firmware or if you use ESPlorer as dumb terminal for usualy works)
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By 4refr0nt
Ralphxyz wrote:How do I run scripts?

You must open serial port before send any command to ESP ("Open" button on right-top of ESPlorer window).
In you screenshoot we have partial ESPlorer window (only bottom part), try to move it or resize.