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By eriksl
#16795 I couldn't find the max power supply in any of the datasheets of pl2303 or ft232r! I anyone can point me to the official number, please do.

Of course an USB device should only use 100 mA without further negotiation, anyway, that's not the figure I am searching for.
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By MeNoGeek
trackerj wrote:I have start working with CP2102 and so far the best option I was able to find.
TJ, would you mind explaining why you're advising an option which is currently about 40% more expensive than a PL2303... Hmm?
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By trackerj
MeNoGeek wrote:
trackerj wrote:I have start working with CP2102 and so far the best option I was able to find.
TJ, would you mind explaining why you're advising an option which is currently about 40% more expensive than a PL2303... Hmm?

I had the feeling that the questions was to say from our own experience. From my experience CP2102 was the best one. Never failed.
A full CP2102 USB module can be found on Ebay at around 1.5USD. Even cheaper if you have patience and search auctions.
Didn't know that is 40% more expensive than PL2303.
Can you please give me a link where I can order some PL2303 with full pinout?Or at lest DTR and RTS. If they are so cheap it will worth a try...Hmm?
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By MeNoGeek
trackerj wrote:PL2303 with full pinout?Or at lest DTR and RTS.
DTR and RTS... Interesting... Did you just notice those pins or what? Because... you don't even mention them on the page you linked to.
BTW, that link was supposed to show a picture... lost on a page, somewhere on your blog... Didn't you find how to upload an attachment on this forum??