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By AndrewD
#1661 I would use ESP8266 in my project based on ARM MCU. I also have my own TCP/IP stack for Ethernet, USB and RS232 hardware. So the preferred way to use ESP for me is using low level protocol as PPP (like in GPRS modems) or SLIP(preferrable). As I undestand, the current frimware has no SLIP or PPP implementation out of the box and current SDK has no API to create such implementation by my own. In theory the SLIP implementation is the simple quest on this hardware, but may be some licence or other limitation exists. So, the final question is the next. Is it possible for me to write my own SLIP implementation into ESP8266? If yes, what steps I need to do to complete this task (except the protocol implementation, of course)?
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By igrr
#1713 Ask Espressif whether they will give you link level API documentation if you sign the NDA.
There's a bunch of functions in libphy.a and libnet80211.a you will need to call from your SLIP driver, but I'm not sure they are documented well enough for external use.
Whatever their reply is, kindly post it here :)