Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By keen4
#17165 I see .. and I do not like it at all .. stdin:1: unexpected symbol near 'Ž'

1. ESPlorer + nodemcu_integer_0.9.6-dev_20150406.bin : gives this result: stdin:1: unexpected symbol near 'Ž'
1. ESPlorer + nodemcu_integer_0.9.5_20150318.bin : it seems I can do something with this micro, but ..

* AT+CWDHCP=2,1<CR><LF> : (AT datasheet commands. 2015.01.23) 4.2.7 AT+CWDHCP page 17 0=disable, 1=enable
&& latest AT firmware (2==STA&AP)
** (AT datasheet commands. 2014.11.28) 5.2.7 AT+CWDHCP – Enable/Disable DHCP page 13 1=disable, 0=enable

*** ESPlorer v0.2.0-rc2 : AT v0.20 : 1=disable, 0=enable , how long it will be true ?

**** AT+CIOWRITE=0,1<CR><LF> set GPIO0 .... it is ok but ..

**** with NodeMCUfw GPIO index is: 3 or 8 or I am going crazy .. number 3 comes from ESP-12 board pin arrangement ..

Please tell me how I have to navigate my self , where to find what is true and what is not ..
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By keen4
#17378 4refr0nt
May be anyone make Quick Start Guide?

Hello 4refr0nt ,

Could you be so kind and give me a Quick Start Guide in your language is good too.

I think somewhere has to be document how NodeMCU communicate with outside world,
whithout this doc IDE can not exists ..
give me something a little ..