Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By j0hncc
Vleis Walker wrote:...
After I have changed the user_config.h file, I save all, right click Makefile and select flash
Programs is compiled and downloaded to ESP.

However, it seems like a previous compiled file has been written to the ESP.
Where did the downloader get this file to download?

Even if I do a Clean, Flash the old version still remains.

In all of that you did not mention any build step, only change .h file and flash. After clean did you you do "Build Project"-- then flash?

Sorry if its a silly question to you.
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Vleis Walker wrote:Again, thanks a lot for the great Devkit

I have a compile Build Flash problem.

I am trying to compile dht22_thingspeak project.
After I have changed the user_config.h file, I save all, right click Makefile and select flash
Programs is compiled and downloaded to ESP.

However, it seems like a previous compiled file has been written to the ESP.
Where did the downloader get this file to download?

Even if I do a Clean, Flash the old version still remains.

How do I FORCE the makefile (or Eclipse) to ALWAYS compile all the files.

I would appreciate any help.

To restore the factory default settings, create target "flashinit" and run it.

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#17359 Hi CHERTS (and everyone else)
As you might know prozac has created an ESP-HTTP version with OTA firmware upgrading (That is really fast btw.),
I was just wondering if it would be possible to include this in the next devki?. The reason I'm asking is that I'm having problems changing the makefile from a linux one to a windows one, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one.
If it helps I can send you the makefile when/if I get it working.
Thanks for the great DevKit.
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MrZANE wrote:Hi CHERTS (and everyone else)
As you might know prozac has created an ESP-HTTP version with OTA firmware upgrading (That is really fast btw.),
I was just wondering if it would be possible to include this in the next devki?. The reason I'm asking is that I'm having problems changing the makefile from a linux one to a windows one, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one.
If it helps I can send you the makefile when/if I get it working.
Thanks for the great DevKit.

Send us the source and Makefile to my address sleuthhound@gmail.com