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By MinerCircuit
#17698 Hi there guys

Im new in this forum and I really would like to ask for your big help,
I need to do a project for school with Arduino nano so I adquited an ESP8266, I have been following various tutorials and heres my esp8266 with arduino nano using an external power supply for the ESP8266
Okay now after that everything is setup up I connected
CH_PD to 3.3v
RST pin to 3.3v
Ground pin to Ground (LOL)
RX pin to D11 in Arduino
TX pin to D10 in Arduino and
VCC to 3.3v

Okay so now I put the baud rate 115200 I made a little program in arduino just to read data and I started using RealTerm program to send data but heres the problema i can "Sent" AT commands but none of them seem to work I always get differnte weird charcters out put

Example the reset command always writes a difernt text , reuady or ready or Rea^y

Also if i Want to list the current Access Point I always get error


And also different characters everyime I execute it

I dont know if its about a Firmware version checking but reposnse some really rare numbers
I really really need help guys I need to finish my project of getting the HTML of an HTTP request

Thanks ^_^