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By zoomx
#17926 Thanks for your reply I realized that I have not expained well my question.

I am talking of firmware in the ESP8266module. There are two firmwares that you can find in it (I am not talking about nodemcu), the expressif and the AI-Thinker instead the SDK is only expressif.

My question is if a sketch compiled with the expressif sdk run on a ESP8266 module with AI-Thinker firmware.
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By martinayotte
#17960 Hi Zoomx,
If your familiar with flashing ESP modules, you should understand that firmwares are part of the upload process, old firmware are completely erased and replaced by the new ones. So, flashing with ArduinoIDE will give you the firmware SDK version provided by IDE, as mentionned above, in my case, it was SDK 1.0.1.
This means the your AI-Thinker firmware will be erased by uploading anything else. If you wish to keep that firmware and its AT apps, you need to do a backup.