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By squix78
#18272 It might not be the most original project but maybe a beginner can learn something from it. The ESP8266 connects to openweathermap.org, gets the weather for a given location and displays a weather symbol, temperature and humidity on a 128x64 pixel OLED I2C display:


Please find the sources here:
and some additional information here:
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By Mikejstb
#18276 This looks very nice - I'm having a bit of trouble getting it working.
Does it require a certain nodemcu version?
It's looking to do some ug8 functions - is there a ug8 library that needs to be installed?
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By Mikejstb
#18322 The error I am getting is
?:0: attempt to index global 'u8g' (a nil value)

My ESP environment is an ESP-201 module in one of these breakout/proto boards that I always use
To troubleshoot I have tried:
1. testing the oled display with an Arduino board and the u8G library - works
2. testing on the ESP (An ESP-201 module) with both your Weather and your other graphics test - fails with the above error.
3. testing on a second -201 module - same error
4. swapping gpio pins 12 & 14 to the display in case I wired wrong - same error
5. testing on the -201 with the u8g test Lua examples - these get the same error. I know I have had these working in the past. - Same error
6. I have also tried various versions of NodeMCU from Feb - March. All have the same error.

So - the display is known good and I don't think there's any problem with the -201(s). They work with other tests.

I'm sure it's something on my end. it is very frustrating to know that I have had this type of thing working - in fact I'm watching my mqtt traffic right now on a little dedicated ESP-12/Oled display "message board" project of mine that is programmed inNodeMCU/ Lua.

I really like the look of your project and hope I can get it to work soon.