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By andrew melvin
#18338 ESP8266 + WS2812 (144 LEDs)...

Running arduino IDE and

Got a good effect going, and they are working quite well. The breadboard with the ESP is on top.. not built the perfboard yet.
Still struggling with a twitchy first pixel, even with a 74HCT245N.. if anyone has any ideas.... right now I'm thinking i'll just cover the first pixel, as all the others work just fine.

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By Mikejstb
#18356 wow - that's really beautiful!
how is it configured - how many strips, etc?
What are your plans with the ESP as far as interacting with it, etc?

I'm waiting for my neopixel strip to arrive.
So far have just been playing with a 16 pixel ring and 5 individual pixels.
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By longinus
#18362 This is pretty cool!
I'm also curious on your thoughts about how it could be interacted with...

I've always wanted to implement some sort of UDP streaming system, maybe with Open Pixel Control ( but never really got around it.

One possible suggestion for the first flickery led is to add a small cap across the GPIO pin and GND.
Or maybe that led is bad... I've had to replace leds in a big WS2811 strand before.
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By andrew melvin
#18427 So from an interaction point of view working already is MQTT, and web server. There is a webpage that allows you to configure the WS2812... including

1) number of LEDs up to 400 work
2) pin they are attached to
3) current effect (including UDP streaming)
4) current single colour
5) speed of animation
6) brightness

I did include up the blynk stuff as well, and it works, but i think their thing makes it all too slow... and blynk + UDP doesn't work...

I have also implemented UDP streaming to port 8888, you just select that effect option and boom... works immediately... i've had all sorts of effects going, including fire and patterns on the lamp.. works really well... only bad thing is it seems to hang after while.. not sure why... requires a power/on-off to return.. i've posted an issue to see why that might be happening...

I've been using works very well...