ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By mharizanov
#18425 I managed to implement a ESP8266 initiated firmware upgrade using SDK's upgrade function system_upgrade_start; This for me is the more useful use case, as the nodes will be able to check for new firmware version hosted on a central repository and reflash themselves wherever they are, even behind firewalls.

Will post code in a while
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By tve
#18430 Nice, I am looking forward for the code! It comes down to two very different use-cases: pushing new FW in development mode vs. pull updates in "production" mode.
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#18435 Hi again tve

Thanks for the continous blogging about the bootloader/OTA, it's very interresting to read.
Have you given any thought to maybe write the configuration structure to 2 different flash pages?
It's no big deal since I can change the code myself if I'll ues it for a project, I just thought it might be wise if it's to be used in a real mass produced product.
Again, thanks for all your hard work.
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By tve
#18436 Sorry, which configuration structure? There currently is no configuration saved in flash other than the system config, which the SDK manages. I believe that what you are referring to is described in the "advice" sections of the Espressif document 99A-ESP8266__Flash_RW_Operation__EN_v0.2.pdf

I'll have to cross that bridge soon...