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By Alex P
#18596 Yeah, GPIO15 needs to be low at bootup, otherwise it tries to flash from SD card (no idea why Espressif would add that functionality...). Also GPIO0 low means your chip is in flash mode.

So set 15 to low and 0 to high, open the right COM port, set baud to 9600 (or 115200 depending on firmware version) and type "AT" (with both CR and NL) and you should see some nice response from your ESP.
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By j0hncc
#18598 All the esp's I have bought off of ebay have come with NO firmware on them. They wouldn't do anything until after I had flashed them with something. In my case I used the nodemcu flasher and flashed the built-in nodemcu first, using excellent guide by "benlo", Later I used the nodemcu to flash AT and SDK versions, etc. Then I went to Sming and used "built-in" esptool...
