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By Marty
#18655 Pi is server running Python. Client is ESP8266 connected to Arduino UNO via RX/TX. ESP8266 is issuing AT commands.

Please see attached Python code for Raspberry Pi. Python code is not mine, it is adapted from Python foundation.

I get confirmation that the ESP8266 is connected to the Pi by the printout: "Connected by" followed by the ESP's address on my router.

Problem is the Python code hangs in the "data = conn.recv(1024) line. It's looking for something it is not getting - perhaps an EOF.

Here is an outline of the Arduino code:
dataToPi = "Hello World\0"; ---- \0 should be EOF. Don't know if ESP will handle this
connect to my router
AT+CIPSTART=0,"TCP",myRaspberry Pi address, 50007 ----- I get confirmation that it works from the Pi
AT+CIPSTATUS -- returns status 3
AT+CIPSEND=012 -- where 12 = length of Hello World +1 (dataToPi.length() does not count the \0)

Tried a bunch of variations of the above to no avail.

Any Help will be appreciated. Thanks
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