I'm getting closer with this little module, and I'm almost totally sure it's a power thing. New bench power supply showed up yesterday, a TekPower TP1502d. Set to 3.3v, the esp went sort of nuts. All serial communication was garbled, couldn't send a command, and the little thing got hot. Granted it was never connected for more than a few seconds. So I'm not sure what that was all about.
I got my little usb/uart cp2102 set to run at 3.3v. Finally the esp acted normal, in as much as I could finally send serial commands to it with no garbage. Though I don't think it has enough power for when the esp sends. I need to figure out what was up with the power supply. Still though, closer.
After I typed this I read a blurb that I needed to ground my cp2102 to the same ground as the esp. Did that and now I get a clean serial connection and I can send commands. But.. I tried both my esp's, I can send AT and I get an OK. But most of the other commands return an ERROR.
Ok that issue is partly solved. Seems it was because I was using SecureCRT and it doesn't like some setting there. As soon as I used the arduino serial monitor it was fine. One of my chips still ERRORs on AT+CWLAP or CWJAP but most other commands work.
Either way, I'd still love the test code. Thanks!