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By tytower
#19018 You said when you connected up the earths it stopped flashing . OK its not supposed to be flashing . So with the earths connected remove power then reapply it . You should get one flash only if all the other wiring is right . Then its waiting for you to send the hex up.
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By tytower
esp03madness wrote:for esp03 - try reading the garbage w/ a logic analyzer

OK - we've all got one of those right!

The garbage will be the continual resets going on and will be coming out at about 75000 baud odd if you want to see it .
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By twaymouth
#19061 RX and TX need to be transposed, I.e. RX at the ESP needs to be connected to TX at the USB to serial adapter and vice versa. As stated above all ground wires need to be taken to a common point. Before applying power GPIO 0 needs to be grounded and CH_PD needs to be pulled to 3.3v with a resistor (around 5k). When power is applied the blue led should flash a couple of times then go off. Once you start the FW update process both the blue led and TX, RX LEDs should flash continuously.