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By esp03madness
#18740 looking at your links you are indeed after the AT firmware. There is a wrinkle with one that is shipped with the new SDKs - it won't fit on older devices with 512kB flash (most devices out there right now are like this). I am in the process of doing a write-up on this. Give me a few more days.
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By Griffin Collins
#18748 Just retried it with another esp-1 using an external power source to give it exactly 3.3v.
When I tried to download the first bin file, it said invalid head of packet or something like that.
Now the chip is in the same state as the other one. I can't get any response from the terminal and the esptool can't connect to it.
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By GeorgeIoak
#19138 Why don't you try NodeMCU to see if that works for you. Maybe when you downloaded the firmware the file was corrupt. With the NodeMCU flasher everything is fairly automated so that would eliminate some potential problems and once the module is breathing again you can try to flash the AT firmware again.