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By andymule
#19084 with gpio_0 to gnd, i can boot and flash from arduino ide all day. I thought moving the gpio_0 to high would let me reboot into my sketch, but this isn't working.

How do i reboot into my sketch after flashing it from arduino so i can consider it "deployed"?
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By andymule
#19163 through fiddling, i solved my own problem. gpio_0 IS the switch between normal and flash mode:

BUT it wasn't working when directly wired to VCC. I had to put a resistor between GPIO0 and VCC (pull up), and then it booted.

for some reason, pull downs and pullups on CHPD make my esp03 not boot correctly, so here's my working setups:

(flash mode, no resistors)
GPIO0 -> ground
GPIO15 -> ground

(normal operation)
GPIO0 -> pull up (~350 ohm resistor to vcc)
GPIO15 -> ground
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By andymule
#19167 reddit conversation revealed that this is even easier. no resistors ever needed.

(flash mode, no resistors)
GPIO0 -> ground
GPIO15 -> ground

(normal operation)
GPIO0 -> floating (no connection)
GPIO15 -> ground