Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By ArnieO
Mikejstb wrote:I'm also very interested in looking at the schematic so I can try to duplicate.
I'd love to get able to get the pc boards.
I understand that these days it's fairly simple to send files off to board making houses - could you describe the process and vendor(s) you used to get your boards made?

I belive all the information can be found in the links in the first postings of this thread.
You can order your self designed PCBs here:
Works very well.
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By tytower
#19229 Mate I dont see the actual code there anywhere that drives the strip or any control code that links to phone or computer or whatnot? Are you keeping this private ? Thats OK if the case but I would just like to know.
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By ArnieO
tytower wrote:Mate I dont see the actual code there anywhere that drives the strip or any control code that links to phone or computer or whatnot? Are you keeping this private ? Thats OK if the case but I would just like to know.

Mikejstb asked about schematics and hardware.
There are many ways to make the software and several methods for controlling it from a browser, smartphone etc. The choice depends on your current competence and which hardware setup you would like. These modules are currently in the DIY domain, you must expect to do some googling to learn. If you do you will find ESP8266 code for controlling LEDs.
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By Mikejstb
#19263 I'm guessing that these files are for Eagle software? Which I don't have installed.
A pdf sort of drawing or any kind of graphic representationof the schematic would be useful if it's available