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By AdrianClark
#1941 Thanks for all the advice everyone. I don't know that much about power supplies, so the information has been interesting.

Would something like this work out of the box: ... 9491355729

Or would you recommend adding a smoothing capacitor to it?

Or would this be a better option: ... odule-25w/

A bit more expensive and larger by the looks of it, but if it's a better power supply overall then it's probably worth it for what I'm using the ESP8266 for

Alternately there's this one as well: ... r-248.html

The device will be running off a usb power converter (or something comparable) rather than battery, so efficiency isn't so important, but it needs to be reliable, ideally not produce much heat, and smallish. I'm thinking if that last one (the miniature buck converter) might be the best option.
Last edited by AdrianClark on Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By jonsmirl
#1942 They should work, but they are about 100x larger than what you need.

In parallel order some cheap stuff off from Aliexpress and just throw it away if it doesn't work. ... 49986.html
That will work with a USB charger and make 3.3V out of it. Two of them for $3.46.
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By AdrianClark
#1945 Oh cool, that could be quite useful in general, I have a bunch of breadboards for various projects but no power supplies for them (usually I just power them from arduino). I've ordered one of those and one of the mini buck converters, having the usb plug already on the board is a bonus too, although it's probably a little bit larger than would be ideal for the final product.

I'm a software engineer by profession, but I've always had an interest in electronics, unfortunately i don't get as many projects with an electronics component as I'd like. I've had a blast working with the ESP8266 though. Thanks for all your help guys.