tytower wrote:Deepsleep is done by putting a small cap across reset and XPD which is GPIO16 on the ESP8266-ESP12.
The function is
const int sleepTimeS = 20;// Time to sleep (in seconds):
ESP.deepSleep(sleepTimeS * 1000000);
This will stop it for 20 seconds and the program will start from the top again.
If you put a direct connection across instead of a cap it just keeps reseting
On the power thing the datasheet in the wiki above says the chip is good for 25% of 3.6 V which I take to mean it keeps operating down to .9 of a volt input. Note however that there is supposed to be a 450 mA pulse going out each 100 msecs . Don't quote me on that I'll try to find the source post
tytower wrote:Deepsleep is done by putting a small cap across reset and XPD which is GPIO16 on the ESP8266-ESP12.
A cap? I read a direct connection between GPIO16 and the reset pin. From my understanding when the chip comes out of deep sleep it pulls GPIO16 low and if GPIO16 is connected to the reset pin then the chip will reset which brings it out of sleep.
Froggy a small .01 microfarad ceramic is what I used last but I had a larger greencap which worked too.
Amazing what a difference actually doing a thing makes