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By dthomsonit
#19687 I have just started with ESP8266 and I have purchased the CH340 CH340G USB TTL Serial Adapter Arduino Pro Mini like FTDI CP2102 PL2303 and the ESP8266 ESP-12 WIFI Serial Dev Kit Development Board + NodeMCU Lua.On removing the jumper I power the device up from the triple AA battery pack.Lights all come on but I cannot see the device on the WIFI Network. I have seen on the web that the default IP Address is thought that the device would be visible on my network through my BT Router, but to do this it would have to login with my SSID and password.The board has a Rx/Tx and GND, I am presuming I connect Rx-->Tx, and Tx-->Rx and GND -->GND from the ESP8266 to the CH340 CH340G USB Serial TTL device to program it.Would someone be able to assist with above, I am wondering If I have a faulty device or if further programming is required, Regards dthomsonit :D
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By dthomsonit
cal wrote:Moin,

I suggest trying to talk to the device using some terminal program or esplorer first.
Play with some lua examples and check the wifi config from that side.


Cal, Good Afternoon

Thanks for your quick response, yes I will try and connect through the USB TTL Converter using Putty or ESPlorer and See what happens. Its a pity the supplier didn't supply some basic dummies getting started guide. I have however emailed him already regarding another question, so any further problems may try him again, Regards and Thanks David