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By Eyal
#20046 Is anyone aware of a current source for a build using sdk v1.1.1? The repo is getting old and since it includes many sdk lib/include it is not clear how to use it to build with v1.1.1.

Alternatively, is the nodemcu-firmware team working towards an sdk_v1 build? Last comment I saw was of no interest in going this way :-(

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By cal
Eyal wrote:Is anyone aware of a current source for a build using sdk v1.1.1? The repo is getting old and since it includes many sdk lib/include it is not clear how to use it to build with v1.1.1.

Alternatively, is the nodemcu-firmware team working towards an sdk_v1 build? Last comment I saw was of no interest in going this way :-(


Moin Eyal,

the newest I know of is
I tried it myself last weekend and failed.
I could not find out how to disable nodemcu functionality that was duplicated in nodemcu itself and sdk.
For example lwip and pwm. The firmware did not run.

Before trying SDK 1.1.x myself gagain I will try SDK 1.0.x before if I find time.
